Aden Port Statistics,      1999 -2009
Indicator   1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 MAR. 2009
Number of ship   1,454 1,782 1,925 2332 2262 1700 1,735 1,883 1,937 2,134 2,183 547
Dry cargo discharged (including containerized - tonnes)   1,285,370 1,705,929 1,806,930 2,206,044 2,762,468 3210520 2,855,549 3,409,182 2,828,761 3,127,852 2,384,344 828,354
Dry cargo loaded (including containerized - tonnes)   380,359 209,009 74,090 114,724 173,241 153597 184,627 196,957 237,882 249,486 255,414 51,175
Liquid cargo discharged (tonnes)   4,688,298 4,385,476 4,746,796 5,262,493 5,018,401 5687816 5,396,149 5,909,916 10,108,231 6,777,881 5,308,556 1,317,627
Liquid cargo loaded (tonnes)   3,461,948 3,334,063 3,479,953 3,736,523 4,227,563 4332183 4,022,500 4,460,652 4,481,357 4,976,745 7,073,521 1,779,432
Bunkering, fuel oil and gas oil (tonnes)   42,231 62,735 78,488 100,106 145,825 93887 95,254 74,793 71,361 121,210 77,572 12,953
Potable water loaded, (tonnes)   20,965 12,923 8,049 8,192 14,838 22799 17,199 14,204 14,911 57,037 81,538 18,681
Imports (in tonnes)  
Rice   15,049 63,699 52,046 65,660 61,687 69,621 70,151 58,312 74,120 78,771 32,114 21,228
Sugar   148,472 217,753 231,904 258,356 260,170 326,993 216,299 301,188 246,129 212,508 163,138 83,349
Wheat   225,762 547,161 700,926 759,579 1,089,515 1,066,190 812,684 1,160,842 386,043 715,962 554,333 276,526
Flour   142,161 168,798 100,824 32,527 23,020 41,740 19,091 7,274 0 0 240 0
Cement   290,271 303,183 457,541 652,084 783,252 870,169 879,360 1,030,273 1,178,022 891,352 644,267 159,617
Timber   5,162 19,457 51,381 79,815 96,882 132,738 101,106 66,322 128,039 110,107 90,037 21,792
Steel   52,075 91,233 172,224 320,355 337,964 461,206 419,440 385,111 492,484 554,108 389,697 167,401
General cargo   165,469 104,729 13,430 9,309 57,623 177,768 248,049 250,510 269,053 397,814 375,579 65,856
Imported transhipment cargoes   217,408 145,450 0 0 2,261 0 0 77 0 0 0 0
Other cargoes (see note 1)   23,541 44,466 26,654 28,359 50,094 63,959 89,369 143,416 54,871 167,230 134,939 32,585
Total imports   1,285,370 1,705,929 1,806,930 2,206,044 2,762,468 3,210,384 2,855,549 3,403,325 2,828,761 3,127,852 2,384,344 828,354
Exports (in tonnes)    
Salt   93,277 17,721 17,898 40,970 18,903 15,325 23,600 16,050 8,700 20,705 14,200 2,500
Fish   9,727 5,476 2,237 2,673 4,321 15,086 20,402 28,593 24,159 21,504 31,816 3,463
Cotton   3,309 139 0 0 1,224 2,350 1,180 319 596 1,078 378 0
Iron scrap   2,774 761 0 104 41,942 9,320 11,007 0 1,050 100 19 0
Exported transhipment cargoes   211,615 150,435 675 0 0 254 796 1,529 7600 3,433 956 0
Foreign exports   41,868 28,180 45,765 7,058 103,843 110,974 127,396 150,132 194,652 202,305 202,002 27,026
Local exports (to other ports in Yemen)   17,372 5,657 7,515 396 356 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Other cargoes (see note 2)   427 640 0 0 322 140 246 334 1,125 361 6,043 18,186
Total exports   380,369 209,009 74,090 51,201 170,911 153,449 184,627 196,957 237,882 249,486 255,414 51,175
Total tonnage handled   9,879,181 9,710,135 10,194,306 11,364,559 12,340,006 13,500,518 12,571,278 14059847 17,742,503 15,310,211 15,180,945 4,008,222
1- Includes; frozen cargo/livestock/equipment/automobiles/liquid in drums/beans.    
2- Includes; coffee/hides/gum.